Sairam, Padmanabhanagara Samithi in Bengaluru South District had arranged a Three hours’ Akhanda Bhajan on Sunday the 31st January 2016 in their ‘SHIVAM’ Mandir from 4 to 7 p m, as a first big Spiritual Activity for 2016. Sri G. Madhava Swamy Sir,...
Bhagawan’s 90th Birthday was celebrated in a grand scale all over the Globe. Samithis in Bangalore Central District also took up Spiritual and Service activities corresponding to this joyous occasion. Following is the summary of activities. Indiranagar...
Sai Ram, With Bhagawan’s grace the 90th Birthday programme in West District concluded with a Second One With Sai musical offering at the lotus offering on the evening of 23rd of November 2015 at the Sri Sai College for women, Rajajinagar Bangalore west. The One...
One with SAI On the occassion of 90th Birthday Celebrations of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Dakshina Kannada District had organised ‘One with SAI’ a devotional songs offering programme by Prasanthi Bhajan Group, Radio...
A monthly feature in Indiranagar Samithi is the Satsang called “Sakshatkara”, talk by some eminent speakers /devotees who share their experiences of their association with Bhagawan. On 8th November Prof.Anil Kumar who was the official translator of...