Padmanabhanagara Samithi in Bengaluru South District had arranged a Three hours’ Akhanda Bhajan on Sunday the 31st January 2016 in their ‘SHIVAM’ Mandir from 4 to 7 p m, as a first big Spiritual Activity for 2016. Sri G. Madhava Swamy Sir, Advisor of Bengaluru South District lighted the Jyothi. Singers from Sai Gitanjali, Banashankari, Thyagaraja nagara and Brindavan joined the Samithi singers in rendering good Bhajans. Smt. Gowri Venkat, District Spiritual Coordinator [Mahilas] participated. About 71 people attended and had Swamy’s blessings.
Sri Venkat Gosavi Sir, Vice President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Orgn, Karnataka did the Arathi at the end.
R. Krishnamurthy, Convenor, Padmanabhanagara Samithi
Here are snaps from the event: