If you fill your mind at a tender age with holy and sacred thoughts, you can have the guarantee that in your old age you will have peace of mind and the grace of God – Baba
The sole aim of Balavikas is to make a child a good human, with proper character. In the process, it helps the child learn methods of self-discipline and good habits .
Bala Vikas, as the name indicates is a Movement launched by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to blossom the today’s children to citizens and leaders of tomorrow. This movement was founded in the year 1969 and has grown into an international movement under the auspices of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations. It trains children from the age of 5 to the age of 15. It infact complements the school education, emphasizing on the five cardinal human values, viz., Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa.
Bhagawan had introduced ‘Education in Human Values’ programme as early as the seventies. He felt that it has to begin right from the early childhood days when boys and girls are of impressionable age. They could be introduced in slow and gradual manner to Indian ethical and spiritual thought through the study of stories of our great seers and sages and through some of the facets of world scriptures. This gave shape to the Sri Sathya Sai BalaVikas Movement – Child Development programme in the country. There are thousands of such centres where the programme is going on systematically.
. The programme of Education in Human Values is being implemented in schools run and managed by different States, Corporations, and Industrial Undertakings with commendable success. In many overseas centres, this programme has expanded.
Lakhs and lakhs of children have blossomed into youth of character through this Movement over the years and there are thousands of teachers, known as Bala Vikas gurus guiding these young aspiring minds to a better tomorrow following the divine teachings and guidelines of Bhagawan.
Children are taught “paapa Beethi, sanga Neethi ,Daiva Preethi” . Baba says this is core of all learning. Respect to Parents ,teachers and all elders is the first step of teaching . Discipline in school and society, in general, is the second necessary code of conduct. Service mentality is learnt from the early years. All put together, Balavikas builds self-confidence and creates a firm foundation for a life of purity and sincerity. This paves the way for an individual to lead a life with human values and combined with a strong urge to serve of humanity.
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