Seva, Spiritual and Balvikas activities at Mangalore, D.K. District

Medical camp was organised and 90 + 40 = 130 persons were benifitted. On this occassion 90 eye patients were tested and 40 dental. Free spectacles were distributed for 50 patients, Free medicines were given to 15. 50 people were tested for blood sugar. There were 7...

Sathya Sai Grama Seva Kendra Sadhana Camp – Kalloli

On 2/3/2018, Sathya Sai Gram Seva Kendra – Kalloli, conducted a Sadhana camp in the farm house of samithi devotee of Srishail Tupad. The program started at 8:00am with yoga session, veda chanting and bhajans. After the bhajan session,  fun games were conducted...

Inauguration of Doni Bhajan Mandali, Bagalkot District

Sairam, With the blessings of our beloved Bhagawan, the Bagalkot District 4SO members were fortunate to extend the  organisational activity by forming Bhajan Mandali at SSSVJ School ’Doni Thotad Shale’ village situated in the remote area, 4 kms away from Metagud GSK....

Veda Tatwa Exhibition at Sai Gitanjali, JP Nagar

Loving Sairam. With the infinite grace and blessings of our beloved Bhagawan, Sai Gitanjali was most fortunate to host the Veda Tatwa exhibition from 11th Feb 2018 to 14th Feb 2018, as part of the Maha Shivarathri celebrations. It is worth to note that this was the...

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