Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations Education Wing – Bangalore Dist Loving Sairams, Annual bhajans by Balvikas Children and Balvikas alumni at Brindavan Date: 31st Jan 2016 As our very Beloved Swamy Says: The tongue is the post, devotional singing (bhajan)...
Sai Ram, With Bhagawan’s Grace, West District has initiated a unique programme called the YUVA VIKAS Programme for the benefit of the students at the pre-university level. The programme is as follows: As we have Bal vikas for the children we shall start YUVA...
A Bal Vikas Gurus Training Programme was organised in Bangalore West District at Sri Sai Krupa mandir for new identified new gurus from all samithis. A total of 45 new gurus took part in the training conducted for 2 full days of 19th and 20th December 2015 . Resource...
Our Lord Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba,had stressed the practice of Basic Human Values to be practiced by all human beings. These values are latent, Inherent and Natural to all Human beings. We all need to manifest these latent values in our day to day living in all...
The Walk for Values event was conducted by Bangalore East district on the 18th of October, 2015 from Marathalli till Brindvan over a distance of 14 KM. Here are the snaps from the event. [peg-gallery...