Seva and Spiritual Activities in Kasargod District

Medical camp at Govt. W.L.P. School, a SSSVJ adopted School, Katukukke Samithi, Kasaragod District. There were 184 beneficiaries due to this camp. Around Rs.10,000 worth medicines and 12 spectacles were distributed to the needy. Harikatha program at SSSVJ adopted...

SAI NANDANA – Balvikas E-Newsletter, Special Edition, May 2017

Sairam! We are very happy to announce the release of a “Special Edition” of SAI NANDANA – Balvikas E-Newsletter in English and Kannada. This special edition features “Davanagere Orientation Programme – April, 2017” in detail. This...

Giving and Forgiving Activities at Mangalore, Dakshina Kannada

Balvikas Anniversary Programme at Mangalore On April 1st, Balvikas children from various center of Mangaluru gathered at Sri Sathya Sai Seva Kshethra, Mangaluru. The programme was from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. The programme commenced with lighting of the lamp. This was...

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