Sairam Eighth Ramakhatha rasavahini talk was conducted at Police training auditorium in Chennapatna, Ramanagara district. Sri K.R. Dinesh district president spoke on values and relevance of Ramayana in this modern age. Over 505 police trainee’s participated in...
Mahashivaratri Akhanda Bhajans were conducted at Deverahosahalli Samiti of Ramanagara district on 13th Feb 2018. Program commenced by lighting the lamp at 6 pm by District President K.R.Dinesh and Bhajans went on till 9 pm. After melodious bhajans, devotees performed...
Sairam Bhajan in all house & Satsanga for Shri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyoti Neelavani Vocational Training Students in Gundolli village (Archana Dalal House). All sai youths & devotees from Shekanakatta, Pandarwal, Purgundolli, Tattigera, SSSVJ Neelavani, Gundolli,...
Sairam Bhajans & Satsanga was conducted on 10/2/2018, for Shri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyoti Neelavani Vocational Training Students in Gundolli village (Kaveri Kammar House). All sai youths & devotees from Shekanakatta , Pandarwal , Purgundolli , Tattigera , Sssvj...
Loving Sairam, On 13/2/2018, Mahashivrathi was celebrated in Sathy Sai Gram Seva kendra kalloli . On 13/2/2018 Morning 7.00AM, Sai samiti youths participated in Rudra chanting and Rudrabhishekam in Shiva temple. The Evening session commenced at 5.30PM with Rudram...