
Eighth Ramakhatha rasavahini talk was conducted at Police training auditorium  in Chennapatna, Ramanagara district. Sri K.R. Dinesh district president spoke on values and relevance of Ramayana in this modern age.  Over 505 police trainee’s participated in this program. Essense of Ramayana  was beautifully shared  comprising it to cover major episodes with illustration of Kausalya for unconditional love, Seetha maatha for the divinity, brother Laxmana for the best exemplary of brotherhood, Bharatha for kingdom administration and love towards Rama, lord Hanuman for bhakti and his parakrama. He also shared glimpses of Shabari’s faith, Ahalya shaapa vimochana, Angada and Vibhishana role, Jataayu’s dedication, etc., which covered Dharma, Artha, Kaama, Moksha and correlated with present scenario and created awareness to the police people reminding their Duty, Devotion and Discipline, as preached by Bhagavan.

He made the police officers take oath ( I will, I will, I will , was heart touching) by motivating their spirit to achieve their goal, safeguard the people interest for which they are known for.
Brother Sri Hari’s harmonium play with few devotional songs further strengthened the topics in between and was soulful to listen.

Vote of thanks was done by a police officer. May Swamy shower His grace for all the participants. Expressing gratitude to Bhagawan for the greatest opportunity.

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