Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini – Issue No 5

Sai Ram, It gives us great pleasure in sharing with you the 5th Issue of the Quarterly Newsletter covering the months of April-June  2017. As the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Program begins another school year, we would like to tell you about the many things that the...

5th Edition of SAI NANDANA (Aug 2017) Balvikas E-Newsletter released

SAIRAM! We are very happy to offer the 5th Edition of SAI NANDANA (Aug 2017), a quarterly balvikas E-Newsletter at the Divine Lotus feet of Bhagwan. Please click on the link below to access the newsletter 5th Edition of SAI NANDANA – August 2017 This issue has...

SSSVJ – Vocational Training at Neelavani

Sairam All Conducted Vocational training At SSSVJ school Neelavani. Fourth batch of school teachers has attended this program. Spiritual Activity and satsang also were...

Age is not a barrier for doing Seva

“Advanced age and lack of health should not stop us from doing Sai seva”.. This is true in the case of Mrs Vijaya Kini, Senior Bal Vikas Guru. She conducts residential Balvikas for 19 children every Saturday. She also teaches English 4 days in a week to...

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