Sairam Solar panel was fixed in Shri Sathya Sai Seva Gram, higher primary shcool Alur village , Haliyal Taluk , Uttara Kannada district under the banner of shri sathya sai vidya jyoti programme. Solar study table lamp was distributed to 47 families. Alur Sai youths Mr...
Sairam The 92nd Birthday of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba was grandly celebrated at Sri Sathya Sai Karikan Parmeshwari Educational Institutions Areangadi Honavar Uttar Kannada District. The celebration began with Inauguration of New school bus, Distribution of morning...
Sairam Sweaters were distributed to the needy poor children of Higher Primary School in Shri Sathya Sai Seva Gram Alur village under the banner of Shri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyoti. All teachers including village elders participated in service event. Dated...
Sairam all With the grace of beloved Swami, on the occasion of His divine birthday celebration, Sri Sathya Sai seva Samiti, mundagod has conducted drawing and speech competitions for balvikas...
Sairam , Balvikas Guru’s training for SSSVJ school Teachers was conducted by Ghps Honnalli, Glps Gudarnagar Ballari district at sathya Sai Seva Mandir , Ballari on 29/10/2017. All teachers and youth participated in this program . They were very happy with the...
Deepavali celebrations in places of worship belonging to 5 different religions, by BalaVikas children, gurus and parents at Mangaluru. On 18th October, 22 BalaVikas children, 13 Gurus and parents, altogether 35 members of Gandhinagar, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Kshethra,...