Medical camp was organised and 90 + 40 = 130 persons were benifitted. On this occassion 90 eye patients were tested and 40 dental. Free spectacles were distributed for 50 patients, Free medicines were given to 15. 50 people were tested for blood sugar. There were 7...
Om Shri Sai Ram The Annual Day Celebration of Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Mandir School, Sai Charan Campus, Dharwad was organized with the Divine blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba....
Sairam Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization, North Kanara, Youth Wing conducted Bhajan training and cleaning of the prashanti school @ Siddapura More youths and students have participated in this service activity Jai...
Vocational training course batch (VTC) to Shri Sathya Sai College for women , Dharwad. Happy to say that below mentioned names are *participants from Haliyal Taluk Villages* who are economically week. 1. Sumitra S Gavde, age- 23, Karlkatta village. Left school at 9th...
Sairam, Free Homeopathy medical camp held in 3 villages and more than 150 patients got benefited . Mr & Mrs Dr Phanindranath from B’lore , Dr Deepti from B’lore , Students from B D jatti Homeopathy Medical college conducted the camp successfully. The...