Sairam, With the divine grace of Bhagawan, the trial run of the new Live video broadcasting setup was done successfully by the Digital Archives Team, Karnataka at Brindavan during the Bhakti Bhavanandam program (4th Sep, 2016). All possible use case scenarios were...
SPOKEN ENGLISH CLASSES Youth wing ladies and Bal Vikas teachers are making an excellent progress in conducting classes in the SSSVJ School, “Ambedkar Proudha Sala”,in Kodihalli in Bangalore Central District. The Mahila youth members took the responsibility...
As Part of Sai Gayatri Maha Yaga, the forty third Mudhol Samithi and Forty fourth centre at Sathya Sai School school was inaugurated with Divine Blessings on 29.08.16 at 10:30 am at Sathya Sai School Mudhol Bagalkote district. Sai Gayatri was taken in a...
As Part of Sai Gayatri Maha Yaga, the forty second Chanting center was inaugurated with Divine Blessings on 28.08.16 at 5 pm at Melligeri Samithi Bagalkote district. Sai Gayatri was taken in a procession with kalasa – veda – arati & received during the...
As Part of Sai Gayatri Maha Yaga, the fortieth Chanting center was inaugurated with Divine Blessings on Friday, 26.08.16 at 12:30 pm at Kannasandra Primary School ramanagara district. Sai Gayatri was taken in a procession with kalasa – veda – arati &...
As Part of Sai Gayatri Maha Yaga, the forty first Chanting center was inaugurated with Divine Blessings on Friday, 26.08.16 at 3 pm at Bhagyashree High School, Ramanagara district. Sai Gayatri was taken in a procession with kalasa – veda – arati &...