As Part of Sai Gayatri Maha Yaga, the fortieth  Chanting center was inaugurated with Divine Blessings on Friday, 26.08.16 at 12:30 pm at Kannasandra Primary School  ramanagara district.

Sai Gayatri was taken in a procession with kalasa – veda – arati & received during the procession  traditionally by Head Master , Staff  Students , office bearers and devotees. School staff inaugurated the centre. 

During the inaugural talk K.R. Dinesh ( Dist President Ramanagara ) spoke about the significance of chanting, procedure to be adopted for the chanting centers, and he also emphasized that EVERY CHANTING CENTER should become part of the bigger purpose of spreading the Sri Gayatri Maha Yaga and contribute to world peace.

Sankalpa was made with prayer to Sai Ganesha.  About –  45  Chanters chanted SRI SAI GAYATRI Mantra for 15  minutes, Inaugural Counting was 2700. The chanting session concluded with prayer to Bhagawan to shower His grace for the success of this ongoing Sai Gayatri Maha yaga.


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