Sai Ram With The grace of Bhagawan, we were able to complete the second phase of Yuva Vikas project in 3 colleges in 4 sessions covering more than 700 students in the following colleges: Bapuji Junior college, Magadi Road Cadambi PU College,Basaveshwarnagar RPA PU...
Loving Sairam to you all, By the Grace of Swamy, Mahila Youth, South Bangalore District visited Old-Age Home On 3rd Sept 2016 Mahila youth from South Bengaluru visited Ashraya Old age home – R R Nagar in Bengaluru as the inmates there were in need of groceries....
Bapuji Junior College is situated on Magadi Road.The students of this college are drawn from lower middle class families. Majority of the students are children of Security guards,Peons, and coolies. These students take interest in their education though they are not...
Sai Ram,With Bhagawan’s Grace the second phase of the Yuva Vikas Programme got started in Srigandadakaval College,on Magadi Road, on Saturday the 17th September. Smt. Saroja Krishnamurthy, an educationalist with more than 20 years experience shared her wisdom...