Sai Ram With The grace of Bhagawan, we were able to complete the second phase of Yuva Vikas project in 3 colleges in 4 sessions covering more than 700 students in the following colleges:

  • Bapuji Junior college, Magadi Road
  • Cadambi PU College,Basaveshwarnagar
  • RPA PU College, Rajajinagar.

This was perhaps an ideal time for the students to receive inputs on Study Skills and Examination Techniques

as they shall be writing their mid term examinations starting next week. The most popular SQ3R system of study skills and also way to prepare for examinations, The memory retention techniques like Mnemonics were shared with the students..These inputs were very well received by both the students as well as the  lecturers of the colleges…Bhagawan’s advice to the students on Study and examination skills were also shared with the students…

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