Sri. Ramesh Sawant – Samarpan 16-3-2014 Here is the video and transcript of the Samarpan talk given by Sri. Ramesh Sawant at Brindavan on the 16th of March, 2014. Pranams at the Lotus Feet of our beloved Bhagawan Baba. Pranams to Bhagawan present in each and...
My Journey with Sai Sri. Tribhuvan Sachdeva Here is the video of the Samarpan talk given by Sri. Tribhuvan Sachdeva at Brindavan on the 19th of January,...
Glorious Moments with God Sri. Dora H J Here is the video and transcript of the Samarpan talk given by Sri. Dora H J at Brindavan on the 15th of December, 2013. Om Sri Sai Ram. My humble pranams at the lotus feet of Swami. Fellow devotees, Sairam. As I stand here...