Mobile Medical camp at SSSVJ school, Shivamogga

Medical camp was conducted at SSSVJ school, Umblebailu by Shimoga Samithi on 15, February 2019. 120 students screened and necessary treatment given. Sri Sathya Sai Mobile medical van services were utilised.

Sai Messengers Youth Meet @ Brindavan

With divine grace and blessings of BHAGAWAN youth wing of Karnataka organised a proagrame at Brindavan on 26-1-19 in the name of “SAI MESSENGERS “ This team will travel in their respective districts to spread our swami’s msg and to Give awerness on GUIDELINES TO...

Bhajan Training to youth in SSSVJ adopted village, Dharwad

Sairam. With the divine blessings, BHAJAN training conducted by SAI MESSENGERS to the YOUTHS of SSSVJ adopted village Nayakana Hulikatti, Dharwad District on 30th Jan., 2019 (Wednesday). The Rules and Regulations of Bhajan Singing and the types of Bhajans to be...

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