All India DP’s Meet
With the Divine Grace of Bhagawan Sri Sayhya Sai Baba , The All India District Presidents’s Meet of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization was held on 14th and 15th of February, 2015, , at the sacred premises of Sai Kishen Kalyana Mantap ,Brindavan ,Whitefield, Bangalore. The conference saw an attendance close to 500 delegates from all over India consisting of Vice Presidents, State Presidents, District Presidents, State Trust Conveners, State Co-ordinators assembled for the purposive 2 days Meet.
The conference began with Flag Hoisting by Sri NimishPandya, Vice-President and Trustee Sri Chakravarthy. The Lighting of the Lamp Ceremony was presided by the senior members of Sai Organization Sri Nimish Pandya and Sri Ramani,, Vice-Presidents, Sri Chakravathi ,and Sri Dhakappa, State President of Karnataka, , and other Mahila co-ordinators followed by invoking Bhagawan’s blessings through Veda chanting.
Below is the full report of the All India DP’s conference: