Loving Sai Ram,
The auspicious occasion was celebrated at Sai Gitanjali, JP Nagar on Sunday 8th January 2017. The program in the morning commenced at 5:15 am with Omkar, Suprabhatam and Nagarsankirtan. The devotees after Nagarsankirtan, entered the mandir hall by the main door (which was the Vaikunta Dwaram) after offering mangalarati. In the morning about 22 devotees participated.
The mandir was exquisitely decorated in the usual temple traditions.
In the evening, there was chanting of Vishnu Sahasranamam and Bhagavad Gita, chapter 17 titled – Shraddhatraya Vibhaga Yoga. This was followed by bhajans from all groups of singers. The program concluded with maha mangala arathi. Approximately 138 devotees attended the event.
Photos of the event are at: https://www.flickr.com/gp/91743483@N08/49f0u0
Some glimpses of the event: