23 participants from varied backgrounds – B.Ed. Lecturer; PhD, Special Education Experts; Post Graduates, Trained Teacher Trainers participated in Phase 1 of the Train the Trainer Workshop on May 20th and May 21st at Sri Sathya Sai Baba Ashram, Brindavan.
Young and enthusiastic or older and wiser, our training inductees came with experience ranging from 2-17 years. We had participants from Shimoga(2), Tumkur(6), Mysore(1) and Bangalore(16).
It was organised by the SSSVV Karnataka state team to induct well qualified individuals into the training vertical to provide support and guidance to schools partnering with SSSVV in the state of Karnataka.
Integral education is central to Bhagawan’s message and SSSVV works towards building a strong training team that enable schools in this journey.
With the completion of orientation in phase 1, new trainers will be tagged to Mentor Trainers and they will attend the scheduled sessions in the first few months as shadow trainers. The trainers will also go through two day Skill enhancement program to become more effective trainers. They will then take independent sessions for the teachers in the supported schools of SSSVV

Training sessions by SSSVV Karnataka
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