Sairam all
Sri Sathya Sai Jnana Vikasa Program was held at sirsi, uttara kannada. All samiti , bhajana mandali and district level office barer attended this program.
The program commenced with the welcome speech by Ramdas Achari (DP),followed by the inauguration and spiritual talks. The program ended with Mahamangalaarthi and prasadam distribution.
- Welcome Speech By Ramadas achari (DP)
- Inauguration
- My role and responsibility by Prabhakar birayya
- Youth activity by Rajshekhar reddy (SYC)
- SSSVIP by Suresh Shetty
- Disaster management by timmayya mirasi (DYC)
- Day 1 Concluded by Mahamangalarati
- Veda chanting and Bhajan
- Spiritual Activity By Dinesh
- Technology in organization by Venkat Gosavi
- Your life is my message by Jagannath nadiger
- Vote of thanks
- Concluded By mahamangalarati
- arati
- Prasada Distribution on both day