Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Project
The Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini program is aimed at integrating values in an innovative way into the school curriculum. It seeks to reflect Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba\’s guidance through Education in Human Values and connects the same to the school curriculum. Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini is an open-ended project to harness technology as the key enabler to replicate on a national scale, the success of the model of Integral Education – combining value based education with academic excellence.
It makes school education simpler, easier and much more innovative. It will also motivate the students more, as the curriculum will be combined with human values and taught via animations, pictures and multimedia technologies for 6th to 10th standards in the rural and semi-urban schools.
The Main Objectives of this project are
1. To ignite young minds with insightful and noble ideas thereby widening their horizons
2. To Infuse education with human values
3. To make the process of teaching – learning enjoyable, by building upon and sharing best practices
4. To channelize the capabilities of youth towards self – rewarding service.
The Main Guiding Principles being
1. To make ‘Human Value Based Secular Information’ available free to rural children.
2. To use technology to facillitate greater percolation of educational initiative.
A systematic and progressive intervention is made to empower the teachers with the needed skill sets, content and motivation to bring about gradual and sustainable changes in the school atmosphere and facilitate learning across all domains of interaction – classroom, corridor, campus and community (4C’s).
As per the guidance given by Bhagawan from time to time, the project aims at delivering education that is Insightful, Inspiring, Enjoyable and Participative.
Sri Ratan Tata and Sri N. Chandrashekaran, offering the software to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba during the launch of the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vahini Programme, 23rd November 2010
Vidya Vahini Karnataka Newsletter