Medical camp at Govt. W.L.P. School, a SSSVJ adopted School, Katukukke Samithi, Kasaragod District.
There were 184 beneficiaries due to this camp. Around Rs.10,000 worth medicines and 12 spectacles were distributed to the needy.
Harikatha program at SSSVJ adopted School, Kasaragod District.
Arranged Harikatha entitled “Swamicharitre” at the adopted School at Kumbla. Around 160 students along with staff gathered to listen to Harikatha.
Sports material were distributied to the students at SSSVJ adopted School at Kumbla.
Distribution of Uniform Dresses to 45 students of adopted School, Kumbla, supplied by State Sathya Sai Seva Trust.
Narayana Seva was done by Bayar Samithi on April 24. Around 1547 Narayanas were served in the Kasargod District on that day.
Swachata Abhiyan.. Cleaning surroundings of adopted School, Kumbla. School surrounding cleaning and Students Renaissance program was organized at the adopted School.
Distribution of food to inmates of Government Hospital, Kasaragod…one day every month at the cost of about ₹ 3000. By Kasaragod Samithi members.