Sri Sathya Sai Village Integrated Programme
Baba’s Clarion Call “When the villages grow the cities and states grow and the nation as a whole prospers. The progress of the nation as a whole is based upon the progress of the villages. Everyone should be interested in the welfare of the villages”
It was in March 2007, during the celebration of Ugadi – the Telugu New Year, that Baba declared:
“On this sacred day of Ugadi, we are launching a new project for the betterment of the villages. Every house in every rural hamlet should be made clean, inside and out. The children should be groomed to become clean and healthy individuals. I want that this service be performed in each village. This, of course, will involve an expenditure of crores of rupees. But we do not bother about money. Money comes and goes, but the help rendered remains forever. Therefore, efforts should be made to develop the villages in all possible ways – the elders and the children, the rich and the poor. All should work in unity to make this project successful. This project will become a reality very soon. Students, everyone should join in this service. Consider this as service to God. Develop the spirit of unity and the entire country becomes united.”
This was Bhagavan Baba’s clarion call from which was born the Sri Sathya Sai Village Integrated Programme. Generally referred to as the SSSVIP project, it aims to ensure the holistic development of every family in the village, and ultimately the village as a whole, the town, the district and the State.
Through the SSSVIP programme, Bhagavan redefined grama seva or village service to make it more holistic and total. The various aspects of the program are worked out only after painstaking research and need assessment for each individual family in the village. Accordingly, The State of Karnataka has adopted 81 villages under this program.
The model encompasses:
Individual Care
Spiritual care