Service Wing
“I am the innate spark of Consciousness, in every living being” is the declaration of Lord Krishna in the Gita. Baba, the Divine Master emphasizes that every form of life needs to be respected and loved if one wants to win the Divine Grace. God presents Himself through the Creation in its Magnanimous forms of life. So,”Service to Man is Service to God” says Swami. Man gains permanent bliss through service and fulfills the true purpose of life. Service helps man get rid of ego and delusion ..”Maya”.
Regular service opportunities are created at the General Hospital and Superspeciality Hospital at Whitefield. Service at Brindavan is also open for people to opt. This is a great gift from Swami for the people of Karnataka ,with opportunities in service activities.
One of the major activities is the Adoption of Underdeveloped villages and providing various necessities like proper sanitary and educating the villagers on health development. Regular Health / Veterinary Camps are conducted. Vocational training programmes are arranged. Library facilities are also given .
Service Wing provides opportunities for service during celebrations at Prasanthi Nilayam, for interested people who are ready to participate in service .