A monthly feature in Indiranagar Samithi is the Satsang called “Sakshatkara”, talk by some eminent speakers /devotees who share their experiences of their association with Bhagawan.
On 8th November Prof.Anil Kumar who was the official translator of hundreds of speeches of Bhagawan, addressed the devotees of Indiranagar Samithi and shared his experiences,the lighter moments as well as the tense situations he faced in the Divine presence. Prof.Anil Kumar’s talk was always very invigorating and boosts the spiritual enthusiasm of devotees. Over 250 devotees attended this programme. At the end of the talk Prof.Anil Kumar prompted questions from devotees and patiently answered and clarified some doubts relating to spiritual topics and current issues in hand.
Smt and Prof.Anil Kumar were felicitated with photographs of Bhagawan’s visit to Sai Darshan, with Prof.Anil Kumar in those photographs.
The evening programme ended with Aarthi to Bhagawan and distribution of prasadam.