Sairam, on our beloved Swamy’s Aradhana Mahotsav day, Samithi Members from Udupi district served the Mahaprasadam to Narayanas at mentally retarded home ‘Spandana’, Udupi Nittoor slum colony, Government Hospital, 2 children orphanage homes at Kundapur. Kadandale samithi members arranged Ayurvedic medical camp for the poor at the Mandir and fed 50 Narayanas. Total 550 Narayanas were served. Served butter milk from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm at Udupi Bus stand to nearly 3000 people.

As a guester of His happiness, Swamy sent His students to Udupi Mandir for Bhajans programme in the evening. All the devotees gathered were thrilled listening to the melodious bhajans sung by the students.

Offering at the Lotus Feet of Beloved Bhagawan.


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