Loving Sairam..
On 1st October 2017, HOPE Phase 2 program, extended part of the Integrated personality development program was held at Thirthahalli Sathya Sai Seva Samithi by the Youth wing. Topics like Time management, Anger management and SSSSO the light for life were discussed in an interactive manner. Sri Rajendra Rao, Joint State Youth Co-ordinator was the chief guest for the programme.
In the afternoon, the students along with the youths from the Sathya Sai Seva Samithi Thirthahalli and the villagers participated in the SSSVJ school cleaning program, as a part of Swachatha we Divyatha tak initiative and planting of fruit bearing trees as a part of the Vruksha Ugao initiative.

HOPE 2 Programme


Before cleaning

After cleaning

Vruksha Ugao