A specially and beautifully decorated altar added devotional vibrations to the venue of the Global Akhanda Bhajan – 2016, at Mangalore. Akhanda Bhajans started with the lighting of “Jyothi” by the District President, Sri M Padmanabha Pai and State Mahila Seva Co-ordinator, Smt Priya P Pai at 6.00 PM on 12th November, Saturday and concluded at 6.00 PM on 13th November.
Devotees came in batches for the Akhanda Bhajan.
6.00 PM to 10.00 PM – By Samithi Bhajans Singers
10.00 PM to 12.00 PM – By M.R.P.L Township Samithi Members
12.00 PM to 9.00 AM 13th Sunday – Samithi Members
12.00 PM to 1.00 PM – Ladies Youth
1.00 PM to 2.00 PM – Gents Youth
2.00 PM to 4.00 PM – Mahila Vibagh
4.00 PM to 6.00 PM – Samithi Bhajan Singers

Bhajans by Samithi

Bhajans by Balvikas Children

Bhajans by Mahila Youths
Around 150 devotees sanctified themselves by attending the Bhajans
This was concluded by Tulasi Pooja at Mangalore.

Global Akhanda Bhajans at Chokkady

Devotees with School children participated in the Bhajans

Jai Sai Ram