‘Giving and Forgiving’ – A Silent Offering…a Seva-Sadhana Vandana…a Prem Aradhana
The Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, India, solemnly observes a month of ‘Giving and Forgiving’ – 28th March,2016 – 27th April,2016 -A Silent Offering…a Seva-Sadhana Vandana…a Prem Aradhana for our Beloved Master – Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
“What He chose to inflict upon His Divine Frame…
for the ultimate benefit and upliftment of the human race…
is completely beyond any mortal mind to understand…
or even try to appreciate, gauge, interpret or unravel,
For sure,
Even if one tries to do so…it will remain as a mere conjecture”.
for the ultimate benefit and upliftment of the human race…
is completely beyond any mortal mind to understand…
or even try to appreciate, gauge, interpret or unravel,
For sure,
Even if one tries to do so…it will remain as a mere conjecture”.
The days spanning March – April 2011 was a profound phase that not only jolted those hearts as yet devoted to Bhagawan, but crucially impacted all of mankind, for it included a Divine Decision…the enactment of a momentous episode that brought on a storm of emotions, shook the earth…jarring the soul…while impacting the destiny of humanity.
The coming period from Monday ,28th March, 2016 till Wednesday , 27th April, 2016 is a month of contemplation …and it ought to prompt, precipitate an expansion in consciousness. It should then culminate in the celebration of Sai…within and without…and it is axiomatic that our Beloved Sai has to be celebrated in every inch and atom that surrounds us…in the fragrant blossoms and evergreen trees; in arid deserts, fertile plains, the mighty mountains and peaceful valleys; in the deep oceans, gurgling brooks and refreshing rivers; in lightning flashes, the roar of thunder and cool rain showers; in magnificent animals and the song of the birds, in the scorching brilliance of the Sun, in the glowing moonbeams; in space, air, fire, water, earth; and in each and every Divine Word.
Hence, the coming period, it is a time for giving and forgiving … a time to be particularly set aside for deliberation, introspection, self absorption and meditation on the Divine Consciousness.
It is a sombre phase which requires the involvement and indulgence of our heart, mind and soul “for giving” and “forgiving”…for can we ever forget the selfless life, the eternal sacrifice…the perfect wisdom, the incomparable gentle love, the spontaneous forgiveness…the matchless magnanimity and compassion of our Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Let us all strengthen our devotion for the Lord – Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai…especially during this time that He chose to take upon Himself the hopelessly woebegone condition of humanity and the colossal contamination of Earth besides other unimaginable cosmic issues.
Come, let us honour and offer allegiance to this most distinctly poignant occurrence in time that has affected our life…so too, for the enhancement of global harmony…together let us commit deeply, unequivocally, vocally, silently to our Beloved Sai, to this hallowed period for in the realm of the Divine – no prayer goes unnoticed, no heartfelt appeal is ignored and certainly no devotion is unreciprocated. It is a time ‘lent’ to us all by Beloved Sai…to introspect, to grow, to learn our lessons, to reach out, to revitalise, to be and to become from i to Sai.
Let our fervour, intent and intensity soar, resonate, rise, reverberate individually, globally, encircle the ether on par, synchronising with the distinct and vital profundity of this period.
Let us wholeheartedly participate in this naman, arpan, samarpan…express, convey and magnify our love for Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai by giving and forgiving.
We seek your active support and silent participation in this period to exhort all from your state to undertake some Sadhana during the coming period .Hence, please make necessary announcements in your state so that every individual/devotee/active worker from your state is actively involved in this silent endeavour to transformation. Though, the period considered primarily is only 30 days, the same can become a way of life and be continued indefinitely.
Yours In Sai Seva,
Nimish Pandya
All India President
Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations , India
All India President
Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations , India
Enclosed : Sadhana To Undertake
Some Sadhana to undertake during the period from 28.3.2016 to 27.4.2016 :
An humble attempt to rekindle love and purity, truth and righteousness, harmony of ahimsa and oneness in mortal hearts gone arid and dry by consciously praying for one and all with earnest and humble deference , replete with zest, passion and reverence to Beloved Bhagawan, to all that He exemplified and personified –
1. At the individual/family level
– 108 times daily chanting of Aum Sri Sai Ram
– 11 times chant of Samastha Lokaaskhinoh bhavantu …shanti (3)
– This can be accompanied by every day one act of kindness. Every devotee could keep water bowls for birds and animals in their areas, outside their homes, taking out a fistful of rice grains daily .
– Reading Sai literature daily
– Talking less and doing daily meditation
– 11 times chant of Samastha Lokaaskhinoh bhavantu …shanti (3)
– This can be accompanied by every day one act of kindness. Every devotee could keep water bowls for birds and animals in their areas, outside their homes, taking out a fistful of rice grains daily .
– Reading Sai literature daily
– Talking less and doing daily meditation
2. At the samithi level
– Bal Vikas Children and their parents too can be involved in the chants and activities.
– Youth Wing participation in chants
– Every active member to participate in chants
– Acts of kindness for all to participate in keeping with Bhagawan’s compassion is to cook rice grains collected from individual devotees and conduct Narayan seva.
– Water Projects could also extend to cleaning of local tanks, lakes and rivers.
– Planting of trees, treatment for decaying trees.
– Enhanced village seva.
– Awareness programmes in bastis and hutments as regards hygiene, care for public property, flora and fauna, respect for women and girl child.
– Adopting a family for rations/clothing/daily needs/milk, education of children etc. or if you are an animal lover taking care of the needs of one animal/bird etc.
– Conduct one weekly talk for 5-7 minutes before the public bhajan on importance of Giving and Forgiving.
– Youth Wing participation in chants
– Every active member to participate in chants
– Acts of kindness for all to participate in keeping with Bhagawan’s compassion is to cook rice grains collected from individual devotees and conduct Narayan seva.
– Water Projects could also extend to cleaning of local tanks, lakes and rivers.
– Planting of trees, treatment for decaying trees.
– Enhanced village seva.
– Awareness programmes in bastis and hutments as regards hygiene, care for public property, flora and fauna, respect for women and girl child.
– Adopting a family for rations/clothing/daily needs/milk, education of children etc. or if you are an animal lover taking care of the needs of one animal/bird etc.
– Conduct one weekly talk for 5-7 minutes before the public bhajan on importance of Giving and Forgiving.
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