Sai Ram,
The fifth anniversary celebrations of Sri Sai Krupa seva kshetra was celebrated on Monday the 26th June at the mandir .
In the morning there was a reading of chapters of Sri Sathya Sai Tapovanam book.
The evening programme started with Veda and bhajans, and followed by rendering of Sri Sai Pancharathna Kritis by the Mahilas and Bal vikas children from all samithis.
A detailed report on the activities taken up at the seva kshetra was read by the convener..
Following this was an inspiring talk by sri. Akshay Kulkarni a youth member of the district on the topic “Sevaye Sadhana.”
There was also a talk by Sri Srinivas Rangarajan, Director of the Brindavan campus of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of higher learning. Honoring of guests and a talk by the District President followed.
Arathi was offered to Bhagwan.