Sai Ram,
Nowadays we are dependent on computer for almost all the work as it gives the results accurately in less time. Hence we could say this Era as “Computer Era”. Computer is used in various fields like education, business, medical, defense, engineering, transportation, etc., therefore it is very much essential to learn the basics of computer. With this view in mind we have conducted an education camp on Basics of Computer to the school children of rural and semi urban areas as many of them are not aware about the need of computer in day to day life.
- Computer Education to 5th std students
- Computer Education to 5th std students
- Computer Education to 4th std students
- Computer Education to 4th std students
- Computer Education to 3rd std students
- Computer Education to 5th std students
The camp was organized on 28-Jul-2016 between 10:00am to 1:00pm by seven sevadal members under Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyothi Project at Govt LP School, Janapanahalli village, Tumkur. There were 68 students in the school. The students were divided into three different groups based on the class to which they belong to and each group was taught by two of our camp members. In the beginning the definition, parts of the computer and the uses of computer were explained using black board. Since the students were solicitous to learn, teaching was continued through laptops to give them a practical knowledge of computer. Later each of them was provided with a laptop for a certain duration to get hands-on-experience on MS Word and Paint. The camp was very fruitful as we have seen a glow of learning new things on their face.