The day started with Omkaram, Suprabhatam and Nagar Sankirthan with lighted Candles. Ladies performed Pooja from 9:30 am followed by Sarvadharma bhajans till 11:30 am and concluded with Aarthi and Prasadm. In the evening there was Veda Chanting, singing of Christmas carols, Special scintillating music program titled “Sarva Dharma Swaroopa Sai” by young adults of Sai Darshan.
A video clipping of Swami’s Darshan was shown. Santa Claus cut the Christmas Cake and hopped around among the devotees, distributed chocolates. After Aarthi, prasadam and Cakes were distributed. Sai Darshan Youth girls did a beautiful decoration of the Altar and also arranged a cute miniature “Nativity” scene which you can see in the first snap below.
Please view the photographs below.