Sairam Bhajan (Kaveri Malak) was conducted under Shri Sathya Sai Village Integrated Program at Pandarwal village of Haliyal Taluk. All Balvikas students participated in spiritual event. All Youths and Balvikas students visited each house of village and did Bhajan....
Om Sri Sairam With the divine blessings of swami, Sai youths of Sirsi samiti conducted Sri Sathya Sai Ista Siddi vruta @ Sri sathya sai seva samiti, sirsi, Uttara Kannada. All youths and devotees from various part of city attended the Vruta for 41 days. Daily morning...
Om Sri Sairam With the blessings of swami Sai youths has conducted Sri sathya sai ista siddi vruta @Ravi madival house, Nagur, kumta, uttara kannada. Program started with veda chanting and bhajan. later Sri sathya sai ista siddi vruta has been done by all youths....
Om Sri Sairam With the divine blessings of swami, Sai Youths Of uttara kannada district has conducted Sri sathya sai sathya narayana vruta in SSSVJ school, bharatanahalli, yellapura taluk, uttara kannada district. Program started with prayer, veda chanting and bhajan....
Om Sri Sairam With the divine blessings of Bhagwan Shri Satya Saibaba, the youths of Karwar organised a unique program “Matru Pitru Vandana” for the students of Basunga village (Halga) of Karwar. The program started with Veda chanting, Bhajan by youths and...