Workshop on “Life is game play it” @Karwar, North Kanara

Sai ram A Work shop on “Life is a game play it” was conducted at karwar for puc students by Mr.Amit sood, asst prof at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of higher learning puttaparthi and his team.  More than 150 students participated from various college and...

Workshop on “Your life is Your message” @Karwar, North Kanara

Sairam Sri Sathya Sai Organization, North Kanara  conducted a workshop on “your Life is your message” for Teachers at Karwar BEd college on 24-10-2017 . This  workshop was conducted by Sri Amit Sood (Associate Prof.  SSS Institute of higher learning...

Academies to strengthen Teaching – Learning Process

Om Shri Sai Ram Academies to strengthen Teaching – Learning Process               The system of education (Teaching – Learning Process) should enable students to lead life intelligently, efficiently and satisfactorily. It should also help students at all...

Health awareness @SSSVJ, Domgera & Neelavani, North Kanara

Sairam to all Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization, Youth wing (ladies) North Kanara conducted swachata se divyata tak and health awareness program at SSSVJ school Domgera and Neelavani … Program started with bhajan and followed by cleaning of the school and village...

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