With Bhagawan’s Grace, the Global Akhand bhajan in Bangalore West district went off nicely at the Sri Sai College for Women auditorium in Rajajinagar. All Samithi Singers, Bal vikas students,participated enthusiastically. The programme started with Veda chanting...
Om Sri Sai Ram As part of 91st Birthday celebrations of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, humble devotees of Bidar Samithi have organised Nagarsankeerthan, Mahanarayana Seva and Rug Distribution for Poor family on 6th Nov at Baapur village, TQ & DIST. Bidar....
Sai Ram, With Bhagwan’s grace a new Bhajan Mandali was started at the RAHEJA PARK APARTMENTS,on Magadi Road in Bangalore West District. The Bhajans will be held in the following address; A-505, 5th Floor, Raheja Park Apartments, Magadi Road, Bangalore- 560 079...
With Bhagwan’s grace a District Level meet of new Sai Youths were conducted aptly coined as YUVA JAGARAN..these youths are whose parents are actively involved in organisational activities but the children are yet to come to break the ice. About 75 youths...
Sri Sathya Sai New Bhajana Mandali of Kotegangur , Shivamogga taluk, Shivamogga district. Was inaugurated by our state President Sri Nagesh. G. Dhakappa on the Divine Declaration day 20-10-2016. The function started with drum beat by Sagar youths, kumba kalasa...
Loving Sairam Sri Sathya Sai Samithi Bhadravati, Shivamogga Dist has organised Swachata Abhiyaan programme in Hosa Nanjapura village Bhadravathi.120 waste paper basket and 120 pans were distributed to entire village and also they were given awareness programe...