SAMARPAN#57: 17th Jan 2016 – Sri. B. Mallikeswaran

SAMARPAN : A Satsang ( gathering/ assembly ) organised by the alumni of SRI SATHYA SAI INSTITUTE OF HIGHER LEARNING, on every 3rd Sunday of the month at SAI RAMESH HALL , BRINDAVAN , WHITEFIELD , BANGALORE. This 57th edition of Samarpan, we have Sri. B. Mallikeswaran,...

Christmas-2015 Celebrations at Brindavan

Here are few snaps from Christmas Celebrations at Brindavan Asharam on 25th December 2015   [peg-gallery album=””...

90th Birthday Celebrations in Brindavan

As part of 90th Birthday celebrations of Bhagawan, here are snaps of various events conducted in Brindavan on the 23rd of November:   [peg-gallery...

ARMY at Brindavan, Bangalore

Ati Rudra Maha Yajnam is a very important form of worship of Lord Siva, the very Source of Cosmic Energy for the entire creation. His Divine form encompasses and extends far beyond all known and unknown galaxies and universes. Lord Siva Is omnipotent, omniscient and...

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