Down the memory lane with Swami

Down the memory lane with Swami Smt. Sucharitha Chandrasekharan Smt.Sucharitha hails from a family which became a part of the Sai fold right at the inception when Bhagawan declared his avatarhood way back in the 1940’s. Three four generations of the family have all...


SATHYA SAI YUVA SPANDANA Sri. Satyajit Salian Here is the video of the Samarpan talk given by Sri. Sathyajit Salian at Brindavan on the 15th of April,...


I AM THERE FOR YOU! Sri. Vinay Kumar Om Sri Sai Ram. With utmost humility and love, I offer myself at the Lotus Feet of our most Beloved Swami. And I am extremely grateful to Him for having given me this opportunity to share His glory with all of you. My loving ...

Sweet Sai Divine

Sweet Sai Divine Smt. Geetha Mohan Ram Here is the video of the talk from Smt. Geetha Mohan Ram on the 12th of Feb 2012 at Samarpan in Sai Ramesh Hall at...

With Sai By My Side

With Sai By My Side Dr. A N Safaya Former Director of SSSIHMS Here is the video and the script of the talk from Dr. A N Safaya on the 18th of September 2011 at Samarpan in Sai Ramesh Hall at Brindavan: My most humble pranams at the Divine Lotus Feet of Bhagwan Sri...

Down the Memory Lane

Down the Memory Lane Sri. Nanjundiah M Former Controller of Examinations, SSSIHL Here is the video and the script of the talk from Sri. Nanjundiah M on the 21st of Aug 2011 at Samarpan in Sai Ramesh Hall at Brindavan: I already offered, again I offer my loving pranams...

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