A memorable day in the history of Cantonment Samithi, Bangalore Central District:-
For over five decades the Cantonment Samithi’s activities in Bangalore Central District were carried on in an over hundred year old traditional building which was located amidst the busy business district off Commercial street.The building was showing dilapidation due to age and few years before Bhagawan attained Samadhi, the Convener Sai Vinod who currently is the District Spiritual Coordinator,sought Bhagawan’s blessings to build a new Mandir. Bhagawan with all compassion kindly blessed the project, with the condition that the Shirdi Sai idol should not be moved from its position. It was an enormous and challenging task for the members and office bearers to protect the idol from getting damaged, while the demolition of the old building and construction of the new structure was going on, which they successfully done with Bhagawan’s grace.
On 4th August 2016,the formal inauguration of the Mandir was done with Homas and Poojas. Hundreds of Sai Nama Likhita Japa books collected from all devotees in and around Bangalore were placed inside the chamber created, on which Bhagawan’s three foot Bronze idol will be installed. Navaratnas, Gold and Silver plates,Water from all sacred rivers were also placed inside this Chamber and sealed.
On 20th August,2016, the three-day celebrations of the Prana Prathishtha of Bhagawan’s idol and Kumbhabhishekam of the newly built Mandir “Sai Geethanjali” commenced with full spiritual atmosphere. Before Bhagawan’s 350Kgs idol was taken in a procession from Sri.S.L.N.Mohan’s (ex- memberof SSST Karnataka) house, Poojas were performed and Bhajans were sung by Mahila Sevadal members.The idol was taken around in procession through all the small streets in the vicinity of the Mandir. It was a daunting task as the streets are centuries old and not wide enough for heavy vehicular movements. After almost three-hour procession the idol was brought into the new Mandir and received with Poorna Kumbham. Large number of devotees participated in this programme. After Aarthi to Bhagawan Sri.Nagaih ex-District President of erstwhile Bagalore Urban Dist cut the ribbon, opening Bhagawan’s bed room of Bhagwan where the smaller version of the idol was placed. All devotees were served Bhagawan’s prasadam before concluding the morning session.
The evening programme commenced with lighting of lamp by Sr.y.N.Gangadhar Setty Ex-Convener of SSST,Karnataka, Sri.Chakravarthy, Trustee ,Sri.Sathya Sai Central Trust and Sri.Vasuki, present Convener of SSST, Karnataka.
Six Homa pits were created and poojas were conducted by priests where three couple each per Homa pit performed the rituals.
After the Poojas, Sri.Shekhar Boddupalli from USA, gave a very inspiring talk on the essence of Bhagawan’s teachings,mixing his talk in Telugu and English for the benefit of predominantly Telugu community in that area.
Maha mangala Aarthi was performed and Bhagawan’s smaller idol was taken to HIS room .Devotees were served prasadam.
Photographs of the event are attached herewith for the benefit of all.