Jeevitha Anathaashrama (JA) has about 65 children, many of whom have no parents or have a single parent. On Aradhana Day this year, CVRN Samithi collected Swami’s prasada from Basavanagudi and performed Narayan Seva for about 50 children in JA. About 40 devotees of our Samithi including the youth participated in the Narayan Seva. The devotees interacted with the children while our Bal-Vikas Gurus engaged them with a few games that are usually played in the Bal-Vikas classes. The Samithi members also discussed with the authorities of JA regarding how the Samithi could be of assistance to the children. The major need of the children is with regard to the payment of school fees every academic year. Subsequently the Samithi members pooled funds contributed about Rs.70,000 towards school fees. The Samithi members also learnt that JA has a few other needs such as sports equipment for the children which are in the future plans of the Samithi.
C.V.Raman Nagar Samithi in Bangalore Central Dist. doing National Narayana Seva at Jeevitha Anathaasharama
Sep 13, 2016