Loving Sairam,
By Swamy’s Grace, monthly Bhajan Seva is being held in the Kidwai Cancer Hospital near the Dairy Circle, Bengaluru since a decade on 2nd Saturdays from 2.30 to 3.30 p m in the Dharmashala hall behind the Canteen.
The patients and their attendants who are in tension and worry due to the ill health get relief and peace of mind on account of the Namasmarana for an hour.
The Bhajan Seva was held last on 12th March 2016 and the next one would be on Saturday the April 9th from 2.30 to 3.30 p m.
Contact person Sri T N Subba Rao, Padmanabhanagara Samithi – 98456 53001 / 080-2639 2753

Kidwai Cancer hospital