40th year Anniversary Of Ganganagar Samithi, Bangalore North District was celebrated on Gurupoornima Day , Sunday the July 9th, 2017. A Musical Programme by the members of the samithi were offered to Our Beloved Bhagawan.
BY THE DIVINE BLESSINGS OF OUR BELOVED BHAGAWAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABAVARU, MAHANARAYANA SEVA WAS CONDUCTED IN BANGALORE NORTH ON APRIL 24, 2017 The cooking took place in the Kitchen of Sri Shanishwara Temple At Allalasandra, Yelahanka, Bangalore North. The cooked food...
On Jan 22, The Balavikas Children of Bangalore North participated in The Sarvadharma Meet 2017. As part of this they visited the various Sarvadharma mandirs…