By Bhagawan’s grace Ramanagara district organization got opportunity to spread his love throughout the district in form of food on his Maha samadhi day 24th April, 2016. Prasadam was distributed to 1000 devotees in Devarhosahalli samiti , Channapatna taluka.
700 devotees in Hanumapuradadoddi village , Channapatna taluka.
800 devotees in Doddamallur village , Channapatna taluka.
500 devotees in Kannasandra samiti , Channapatna taluka.
2000 devotees in Kabbalu samiti , Kanakapura taluka.
900 devotees in Krishnapura village , Channapatna taluka.
Later district president KR Dinesh interacted with all volunteers who participated in this service activity to successfully distribute prasadam to nearly 6000 devotees who became instruments in spreading Bhagawans love. Activities concluded by participating in Sri Rama Pattabhisheka at Akkur village Chennapatna taluka.
All devotees experienced bhagawans love. We had prasadam at the last distribution point and found the prasadam to be fresh and tasty even at 3 PM.
Heartfelt gratitude for wonderful opportunity given by Bhagwan. Our special thanks to the volunteers who did this Bhakti Premanjali to Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization selflessly.
Jai Sai Ram