As part of Bhagawan’s 90th Birthday celebrations and with the divine guidance of our Omnipresent Lord, the members of Jeevan Bhima Nagar Samithi,Bangalore Central District did an yeomen service to Leprosy patients near Banaswadi area. Around 90 patients who come from Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu to Bangalore  every fortnight to beg and with that earnings support their families back home were identified. Each patient was given a big shopping bag containing a Woolen Blanket, Sweater, Monkey Cap, Stainless Steel Plate, Spoon, Tiffin Carrier, Stainless Steel Coffee/Tea Mug, Cello water bottle for their daily water needs, Saree or Lungi depending on their gender.




On 25th December 2015, Celebrated Christmas and had breakfast with SIX Leprosy patients in the Samithi Premises. The patients were brought in our own cars and were dropped  back at the place of their choice.IMG_20151225_093834874

In addition to the above, on 27th December,the members of Samithi added a feather to their wonderful  service by travelling to Dharmapuri and with the consent of  our SP and DP of Dharmapuri, visited the families of these Leprosy patients and handed over to each family a 10 kgs Rice bag of the best quality chosen by the recipient. They also enquired about their general welfare especially pertaining to Medical,Educational and other daily needs.20160102_144607 20160102_150425 20160102_150338

May Swami continue to bless these Samithi members.

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