Date(s) - 09/11/2019 - 10/11/2019
6:00 pm
The Global 24-hour Akhand Bhajan started in 1944, in the home of the late Dr. R.S. Padmanabhan of Bangalore, where nine families met in the presence of Sri Sathya Sai Baba to conduct the bhajan. From that humble beginning attended by 150 people, this Bhajan is now conducted every year around the same time, at Sai centres all over India and in different countries in the world.
This is in keeping with Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s sentiments that he expressed during a discourse in 1986:
“We are having non-stop 24-hour global devotional singing by Sai devotees all over the world. This is being done not for the sake of one individual, one nation or one community. It is for the welfare of humanity as a whole.”
Global Akhanda Bhajans – 2019 Slots: