Loving Sairam to you all,
With Swamy’s Grace, Padmnabhanagara Samiti, conducted a 3 hour Mini Akhanda Bhajan at their Samiti premises, on Sunday July 16th 2017, between 4 and 7 pm.
Devotees from BSK, TR Nagar, Sai Gitanjali, JP Nagar and RR Nagar samitis also participated in this event.
The hall reverberated with vibrant Bhajans. Around 80 devotees participated..
The event commenced with energetic Veda Chanting by our Bal Vikas children for 15 minutes. The opportunity for the veda chanting by Bal Vikas children was first provided, with the Laksharchana event we held this month on the 2nd. We intend to make this a practice for our special events in future too.
Convenor, Padmanabhanagara samiti