With Bhagawan’s grace Sathy Sai Seva samithi, Kalloli, celebrated 31st Anniversary program on 15th oct 2017. Smt.Sujata Vijayanand from Davangere and Belagavi dist president Sri.Vasant Baliga sir, presided as chief guests. The program started at 4:30am with Omkar,suprabatam, Nagar sankirtan and sharp 9:00am flag hoisting by the chief Guest. This was followed by bhajans at 10:00am. The main program started at 10:30am. The chief guest gave an inspiring talk on Indian culture. Students of SSSVJ school presented a drama on ‘Alexander’.
Post lunch, free vibronic medicines were distributed by V.Y.Suptekar and Bassapa sir from Indal Nagar samithi. 160 people benefitted from this vibronics medicine distribution.
The program ended with mahamangalarti and prasad distribution.